Video Presentation: Recognising & Avoiding The Plagues of 'Broscience'

Screen Shot 2013-11-25 at 21.06.27This month's post is another video. This time, it's one of me delivering a presentation rather than interviewing a fitness industry professional.

The presentation was recorded just over a month ago in London for the ISSN Diploma in Sports & Exercise Nutrition organised by Laurent Bannock of

Given the caliber of guest speakers, as well as Laurent himself, it was a privilege to talk in front of an audience who share an enthusiasm for nutrition. For anyone looking for an evidence-based qualification to pursue, I'd highly recommend the looking into the course as it perfectly bridges the gap between a degree and becoming a solid practitioner.

In the presentation, I discuss the tools available for recognising and avoiding 'broscience' and talk through some popular examples in the fitness industry, picking them apart from several angles.

Topics include:

1. Biosignature Modulation

2. Carb Back-loading

3. Metabolic damage

4. Pre-bed casein

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did putting it together...

Edit: the video has been removed by the user. Not to worry, here's a link to a PDF version of the slides.